Sunday, January 30, 2011

Nine Months and a Case of the Eights

Madison is NINE months old!! I need to start planning her 1st birthday party—only 3 months to go!! :) haha.
She had her nine month appointment and eight was her lucky number….She weighs 18 lbs 6oz, she is 28 inches long and her head is 18 cm….! She is in the 40% for weight, her height was 45% and her head was in the 90%!! So, we have a small girl with a big head!
The MD was very happy with how big Miss Maddie has gotten—since she started off so miniature!

Madison is on the verge of walking---she is almost there! She stands up all by herself and then looks around and when she realizes that she is by herself…she falls to her butt and giggles! It will happen one of these days…she will just take off!! AHHHH! Time is going toooooo fast! Madison has 2 teeth on the bottom and the 2 on the top are coming…we can see them they have not poked thru yet. Her hair is getting really long, she almost needs a haircut!! I am not ready to cut it yet---but it will be needed soon!! Madison loves to do “SO BIG!” We ask her how big she is and she puts her arms up in the air and far as they go! And of course- laughs while doing it! She finally says “mama” before EVERYTHING was “dadadadada” and “babababa” (for Bob) but “mama” is part of her vocabulary! She will not do it when asked…she still says “dada” but she will say it when she is trying to get my attention!

Madison is SO BIG on her 1st day of swimming lessons~

Christmas was GREAT! Madison was at a really fun age! She was really good but into everything! She loved the paper and the boxes~ climbing on them, ripping them open and even putting them in her mouth! It was so much fun to be with all of our family! Thank you to our family for all the “noisy” toys…just wait until we come to your house and “accidentally leave them there!” Also- thank you to everyone that sent us Christmas cards to our new address! I was pleasantly surprised with ALL the cards we got this year! THANKS- our door looked great!

January was a crazy month! We had something going on EVERY weekend! Family and friends came to visit us in our new house—Pat’s parents came one weekend and thanks to Brad, the TV is FINALLY on the wall! YAY!! Thank you! My really good friend Laura and her fiancĂ© Kyle came for a weekend- it was so fun to hang with them! PLUS- I got to do a little “wedding planning” with her…..I love that! Pat’s friends from Detroit came for a WHOLE week!! Yes, I had 3 extra boys at my house for a WEEK! We had a great time! The boys fished all week and when I got home, we had dinner and just relaxed for the rest of the night! Madison loved having 3 extra boys in her house---she is a flirt! Bob loved them too! More people to play with and more shoes to grab! Haha. Last weekend JoDee, Brad and my goddaughter Bella came to town. Bella is 2 ½ and man she keeps me on my toes! She is a funny little girl! She loves to go, go, go….I wish I got to see her more often!! Madison loved having Bella around---a “big” kid to look up to! On Saturday we made our 1st adventure to the Children’s museum! Bella LOVED it- she was ALL over the place and just ran and ran. Madison had a great time too! She had a smile on her face the WHOLE time!!

Bella boo

New Leg Warmers and the Museum!

Auntie JoDee and Madogg


Madison has quickly become a Packer fan! She loves watching it with her dad, I think it is because he is yelling at the TV but Pat thinks it is because she loves the “green and gold” --- Next week will be interesting and fun! Have fun watching the game everyone!!