Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Another Day.....

Well, the other day when I was home with a sick baby……here I sit, at the hospital. Peyton had her follow up appt with the surgeon on Tuesday; everything looks great on that end. Her little bottom is still sore, but all the incisions are doing just fine. Today I picked her up from daycare and she barely ate, was fussy, had a fever and her breathing just was not “normal.” So….we took her to our pediatrician, they wanted her to be hospitalized right away. So, like I said…here I sit. Our little Miss Peyton has pneumonia and RSV. They have IVs in her and she is on an antibiotic and also is on some oxygen. We will be here 24-48 hrs, depending on how she does. I will try to update the blog as we go….but this is all I know for now.

Goodnight from this uncomfortable hospital bed :-)

Monday, February 6, 2012

Busy, Busy, Busy

The only reason I have time to write this blog today is because I am at home with a sick baby :( Peyton was up most of the night….she had a fever this am at daycare…so here I sit- at home, cuddling with my baby and finally updating our blog!!

Lots happened the last month— Peyton had her surgery Friday, January 20th. We had to be at the hospital by 1130 am and surgery was planned at 1pm. We were not really sure if they would do the surgery or not since she had a little upper respiratory sickness. We met with the nurses and the anesthesiologist and they seem to be ok with her cough. So, we were proceeding….By 12:30, Pat, my mom, Pat’s mom and me were all in this 10X10 room just waiting. All of Peyton’s vitals were good and we just had to wait…. By 1:15, they came to tell us they would be ready soon…. Well, they took her back at 1:30pm and were off to the waiting room. That was the longest couple hours of my life…..sitting there, trying to keep your mind of everything…. One thing that is really nice, they call and update you hourly, just to let you know how your baby is and where they are at in the surgery. By 430- they were DONE! The MD came out to get us and she talked to us about the surgery and what she did and how it went. Once we finally got to see her, I was thrilled that they had already taken her off the respirator! I did not want to see that thing again! Pat and I stayed at the hospital on Friday night, on a twin size couch, it was not very comfortable…but I was glad we were there with Miss Peyton. The Children’s hospital is a very nice facility and very accommodating. Over the next could days- Pat and I were there on and off…we had to juggle time there and time with Madison. It was challenging but I am VERY thankful that it was only 4 days of our life! We were discharged Tuesday morning by 11am! Peyton went back to daycare on Wednesday and we were both back at work! Normalcy again!
The one thing we were told that Peyton would struggle with after surgery is...diaper rash. Man, they were right! Peyton’s little butt was horrible! The WORST diaper rash I have ever seen! She screamed when we would change her diaper, her little bottom was bright red and it was starting to bleed! The reason “Hirschsprung” babies have bad diaper rash is cus their little butt has never seen poop—so all the acid hurts her sensitive skin. After a week of every cream and powder… started to go away! Now we are 2 weeks post op and her little bottom is sore, but she doe not cry when you change her anymore! Thank goodness!! We go tomorrow for her 2 week post op appt. Her little incision had a scab over it from the glue, but it looks great now! They told us she will barely have a scar!

Pre Surgery

Right after surgery Her Incisions Little Miss ready to go home

Enough about all of that…I am done talking Medical stuff….Peyton is doing great…let’s keep it that way! Saturday Peyton turned 4 months old! She has been thu SO much in the 4 months of her life, she is a trooper and I am pretty sure she will be my tough little cookie as she grows! She is cooing all the time, she smiles at everyone, she scoots in circles on her butt and enjoys laying on her belly. She is a very happy baby and has a great demeanor. We are VERY lucky! Miss Madison is getting so big and she is a little smarty! My parents were in Mexico all last week, so Betsy and Abby stayed with us! Madison loved having them around and especially loved that they brought the iPad and they both have iPhones! Madison is OBSESSED with electronics…especially ones that she knows how to work! Every night she wanted to play on the iPad and when it was bedtime, she said good night to everyone including the iPad! :-) Her new thing is reading EVERY book she owns! She will sit down next to you with a stack of books---then when you are done reading all of those, she throws them on the ground and brings another stack! I think it takes her 5 or 6 trips to read all of them! She has some of her favorite books, “no monkey jumping on the bed” and the book with all the animals in it, she reads that one to us! The only animal she can not say is “rooster” and “guinea pig” She is like a little sponge at her age! Everything you say, she retains and repeats at some point! Pat has been busy working on the basement…he is making an extra bedroom downstairs. He has it all framed in and the drywall is up. Now is the messy part….mudding and taping. He hopes to have it finished in the next couple weeks! It will be nice to have the extra bed OUT of the front living room and I am sure our guests will like having a bedroom again! Well, the laundry is calling my name….since I am home today, I should probably get some of that done! Hope everyone enjoyed watching the Superbowl, even tho the Packers were not in it! At least Rodgers got the MVP! Proud to be a Wisconsinite! Enjoy the pics….

Sucha happy girl Peyton and her friend Mckenzie (who is 2 weeks older) Bathtime! Madison and Bella watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse! 21 months old! Not easy to get a pic of the two of them~ 4 months old Big girl in her bumbo

Here is our YouTube channel...there are a bunch of videos there~!