Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

Welcome to 2012~we hope that 2012 is filled with as much love as 2011 was!
2011 Highlights!
-Packers won the SUPERBOWL!
-We found out we were expecting baby #2
-Madison turned ONE!
-Miss Peyton was born
-Miss Peyton had a little drama with being diagnosed with Hirschsprung’s disease
-Peyton had her 1st surgery when she was 5 days old
-Pat is now an owner of the NFL :)
-Christmas was amazing with a 20 month old and a 3 month old~

Things have been great! Peyton is almost 3 months old and Madison is almost 2! Christmas was so much fun this year! Madison opened EVERYONES presents…hers, Peyton’s, Pat’s and mine! It was fun to watch her tear the paper open and throw it every direction! Peyton did not do much on Christmas- just watched everyone and smiled! Thanks to everyone who gave Madison a present—she is set for toys!

Madison is advancing her vocab daily- randomly she will say words that we have never heard before. The newest---“mote” for remote! She loves singing the ABC song—she stops after A,B,C then helps end it with ME! She is learning her colors too- most everything is “pupl” but, it’s a start! Also, with her “2s” coming—she is starting with the attitude! She is very sassy and wants ME all the time! I know it is a phase…but I am ready for the phase to be done :) It is hard to eat or pee by myself!

Peyton is a little smily girl. She “talks” and smiles all the time! It is very rare to hear her cry (for no reason at least)! I love this age- wants to cuddle all the time and can not talk back yet!!!

We are looking forward to 2012~ After January 20th is over—it will be the best year yet! Peyton is having her 2nd surgery on January 20th. It is the “pull through” surgery. It will be a couple hour procedure and she will be in the Children’s Hospital for 3-5 days. Basically, in Alexa terms- they will go in thru her little stoma and pull her intestine back down to her bottom. Then they will go up her bottom and re-attach everything! It is way more complicated than that….but don’t ask me to explain! I am just excited for her to “poop” normal again…this whole “bag thing” is getting old! On the other hand, we both have learned so much and would not trade our little princess for anything!!!!

We hope that everyone had a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!
Go Packers!!

Peyton 6 weeks old

Sisterly Love

Its Potty Time

Merry Christmas!

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