Here is a quick update. I had my 38 week appointment today! Everything seems to be on track! She thinks that the baby is already 7lbs~ which I thought the baby was still really small..but I guess not!! WARNING: Sorry for the picture in your head…BUT, she did her “pelvic” exam and said “Oh, I feel the baby’s head” and I turned and looked at Pat and he said “WHAT?” and looked like he was going to pass out! It was quite hysterical. That means that this baby has already dropped, the head is very low and he/she will be coming soon!! Sooner than we think….I think!! Ahhhh!! Oh well, whatever happens, happens. I just better get my bag packed…TONIGHT!!
The nursery is one thing that I am a little worried about…..Pat is 100% done with his part…he took today off for the carpet guy to come and lay the carpet, WELL the carpet guy called this am and he was SICK! SO, now he will be coming on Sunday….hopefully! So, everything is ready to go into the nursery….but the nursery has NO carpet. Oh geez….ahhhh!! Like I said, OH WELL. Whatever happens, happens!!
Anyway….time to make something for dinner! Have a great night. I will update next week or maybe sooner! :)
If anything the baby I think is going to come earlier... what you said yesterday i think she thinks its ready can't wait baby sax :P luv ya little one....