Welcome to the world Miss Peyton!! I went to the MD for my 39 week appointment on Tuesday and while I was there, my MD said to me….”Don’t be surprised if you see me within the next 24 hrs!” Talk about shock from me….I was SO not ready to hear that! Well, she was right. I got home about 5:15pm after picking up Madison from daycare and a Papa Murphy’s Pizza….came home and I was straight on the couch. I was just uncomfortable and wanted to sit down. Pat fed Madogg her dinner and got me a plate with some pizza on it. I started to have some contractions (every 1 to 2 minutes, but they were lasting 30 seconds and not painful at all)…. I took a shower just because it always makes me feel better! After the contractions continued….and thinking of what my MD said….I figured something was up and I called her! In the meantime, Pat was going like a mad man around the house---getting Madison off to bed, cleaning, packing, doing dishes…I did not know he moved so quickly! :) Abby’s friend Chandler was nice enough to come and stay at our house with Bob and Madison! Thank you Chandler!!~
Pat and I left for the hospital….we arrived in ER at 9:30 pm- they checked us in and we were in the delivery room by 9:50pm. My mom and sisters arrived shortly after us and Pat’s mom was there by ten after 10. They checked me and I was dilated to 6. I really wanted an epidural (pretty sure it is all in my head…but at least I got one!)- so they pumped me with fluid and the MD came up and gave it to me! They checked me again and I was at 8…but moving pretty fast. I remember having one HUGE contraction at 11:45 pm…my mom went out to find the nurse and my MD. They came in and she checked me and said—when you feel pressure- PUSH! They documented me saying I felt pressure at midnight and at12:04 am on October 5th…Peyton made her grand entrance!! It was only 3 pushes for me! At one point, Pat was looking for the camera and my MD said- Pat find the camera or get over here- you may miss this! So, obviously she likes to make her entrances grand!! She is perfect! 6lbs 4oz, 18 ¾ inches long. Just a little butter bean! She pretty much looks like Madison- little lips, little chin with the dimple, but her nose is bigger! Just an angel! We waited 9 months to have her be so perfect! We could not wait for Madison to meet her!!
Our newest addition-
6lbs 3.8oz
My awesome MD!
Butter Bean's 1st bath
Little Princess
She was a good sleeper- we finally went to bed about 3am and did not hear a peep from her until about 730! It was great to get some much needed sleep!! We did have some visitors on Wednesday- and one of them was Miss Madison! She was not so sure about baby Peyton. She liked her, but when I held her she was not happy! We at least managed to snap a pic or two- which were of course, adorable! Wednesday night was another great night- I think I was sleeping by 8:30, they brought her in about 3am, and then I slept until 6:30 am! It was great!! 2 good nights of sleep in a row---I know that wont last long!
The best two things in my life!!!
Now it is Thursday---Miss Peyton decided she wanted to make her whole entrance into this world a little more dramatic then we wanted (just like her big sister, dramatic- great, the things Pat and I get to look forward too!) She had not been eating the best and not pooping much either---so they ran some tests……we waited and waited…it seemed like forever, then before I knew it---St. Paul Children’s Hospital ambulance staff was in our room ready to take her to the Children’s Hospital. Now, before you start to get worried….I made that a little more dramatic then it actually was…..Peyton’s little itty bitty body does not want to poop because there is a bowel obstruction. They ran some tests and did some X-Rays….they were not 100% sure where the obstruction was and how bad it was. She was taken by ambulance to St. Paul, no lights, no speeding…only by ambulance because they could monitor her. My mom and I rode in the van and Pat and his mom followed us over. When they came into my hospital room at Sacred Heart- I was just cuddling her and they hooked her up to the IVs cuddled her as they put her in the little box on the stretcher and she slept the whole way! :) Go figure, her 1st car ride was in an ambulance…pretty sure Pat or I have not ever been in one! See, I told you-she is going to be a drama queen! It was a long ride over here for me….I cried and laughed and cried some more. We got to St. Paul and up into her room- VERY hard to see her all hooked up to everything…but we are very fortunate that overall she is really healthy! The nurses just love her, she is so peaceful and quiet…her vitals are really good. The little stinker just won’t eat or poop!
Tubes? Who cares about those--time to sleep!
Our hospital life for a few days!
So, now it is Friday morning….Pat and I slept here last night on a twin size bed….haha. It was definitely interesting… The neonatologist came in this morning and said that she looks great! Her tummy is still really bloated though, we just had to wait for the surgeon to come in this afternoon. We waited to go to lunch until she came- finally after the doctors made their rounds, the surgeon came by. She could not believe how bloated Pdogg Jr’s (one of her many nick names) belly was. She did this little “procedure” on her- basically she put a tube up her bottom and Miss Peyton let it rip She soiled 3 full diapers!! We were all VERY impressed. But, it tells you how much was in her tiny belly! After that, the surgeon did a biopsy of the nerves in her intestine…basically- another tube up her bottom and they took some nerves out. The biopsy will take 8 hrs to complete and then they should know more. But, in the mean time- the surgeon thinks that she has what is called “Hirschsprung Disease” (see this link---it will help out A LOT!)
So, since she believes that is what it is…they scheduled surgery for Monday. If the biopsy comes back and it is NOT that….then we will all be wondering why the peanut is not pooping/eating. So, let’s get back to surgery on Monday…Peyton will go in for her surgery Monday morning at 11:30 am. The surgery is a pretty quick one (as long as all goes well) they will go thru her belly button and try to repair the blockage.
This all sounds pretty scary to all of us right now- I am really glad that I am here at the hospital with Pat, my mom and Pat’s mom…they are all awesome for support. Plus, the nurses and the MDs are wonderful! Please just pray for us right now…that is what we need!!
Like our bed?? Time to cuddle!!
So content
Yes, Peyton is in there---her little "womb" with TONS of cords!
PS. Just have to tell everyone that Miss Madison is NOT convinced that she has a little sister---when you ask her if she has a little sister named Peyton- she shakes her head and says “NO”! She is going to a great big sister—I cannot wait to bring Peyton home!
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